As a responsible motorcycle rider, you’ll want to take care of your bike and ensure it runs smoothly and safely. This will help boost your riding experience and enable your motorcycle to continue serving you for years.

One of the challenges is protecting your motorcycle from the sun. The harmful sunrays can damage your bike’s paint, leather, and other parts and cause it to appear unattractive and uncomfortable. That’s why you’ll want to familiarize yourself with a few tips to safeguard your motorcycle and prevent sun damage.

Park in the Shade

The easiest way to protect your motorcycle from the sun is to park it in the shade. You can park it under a tree or any other structure that can cover your bike from direct sunlight. Parking in the shade will keep your bike cool and prevent your engine from overheating.

Use a Cover

If parking your motorcycle in a shaded area isn’t feasible, use a cover to protect it from the sun.

Get a cover that fits your motorcycle’s size and shape in a breathable fabric. This will help prevent moisture from getting trapped and shield your bike from direct sunlight, rain, and dust. This easy tip can help keep your motorcycle shiny like it was when it was new!

Apply UV Protection

The hot weather can cause your bike’s paint to fade, and the leather can get cracked under the sun. This can make your motorcycle unsightly and uncomfortable to ride. To prevent this, apply UV protection designed for motorcycles and pick a solution that won’t leave a greasy residue.

Clean and Polish Regularly

Your motorcycle can accumulate plenty of dirt and grime from the travels. Allowing the muck to stick to your bike can damage the paint and other components over time. To skip this, ensure you clean and polish your motorcycle regularly.

You’ll want to use a soft cloth or sponge and mild soapy water to clean your motorcycle’s surface and rinse with fresh water. Use a soft towel to dry it, and then apply protective wax or polish to keep the surface shiny and protected from the sun.

Check Fluid Levels

The sun can cause your motorcycle’s fluids to evaporate quickly. That’s why you should frequently check your bike’s fluid levels during hot weather. Inspect the coolant, oil, and brake fluid, and top off any low-level fluids. You also want to ensure the fluids are clear and light in color and not sludgy and discolored.

We hope these tips help you protect your motorcycle from sun damage. If you need more maintenance advice or are still searching for your dream bike, visit Biggs Harley-Davidson®. We have an impressive collection of motorcycles for sale, and we can help you pick the model that fits your needs. You’ll find us in San Marcos, CA, proudly serving San Diego and Oceanside, so swing by today!