Buying the latest and the most expensive motorcycle alone cannot guarantee safe and pleasurable riding experiences. You will want to ensure you ride and maintain your brand-new bike carefully and responsibly. In addition, you will want to prepare for unforeseen events and accidents.

As your local motorcycle dealer in San Marcos, CA, we at Biggs Harley-Davidson® want to defend you and your investment. Our experts have created this guide to share a few tips to protect your bike. Read on to learn more, and for more information, contact our experts today.

1. Warranties

The first safety coverage for your new motorcycle is a factory warranty. Although most new models come with one or two warranties, you will want to double-check with your dealership to be sure.

As you may know, factory warranties help skip the hassle of making out-of-pocket expenses to repair manufacturer errors. This enables you to save hundreds of dollars on fixing problems that weren’t your fault. As the actual coverage may vary depending on your bike’s brand and model, you might want to balance affordable warranties with those covering as many part replacements and malfunctions as possible.

2. Insurance

Next, you will need an insurance plan for your motorcycle to ride it legally. Many riders prefer comprehensive coverage, as this type of insurance offers the best value for your bike in the case of an accident. Comprehensive plans cover everything from accidents and weather damage to vandalism and more.

3. Service Plans

Another way to protect your new motorcycle is getting a good service plan. Although you can perform regular maintenance in your garage, you will want to let the experts handle any advanced repairs or parts replacement. A service plan helps get the professional assistance you need to tune up your motorcycle at a more reasonable price.

4. Regular Maintenance

Proactive and regular maintenance can help extend the lifespan of your brand-new motorcycle. That’s why you will want to work hard to keep it in tip-top shape and ready for your trips.

Be sure you inspect your tires' condition before each ride; check and top off any low-level fluids, such as engine oil, brake fluid, coolant, etc.; and service your engine regularly. You will also want to clean your motorcycle frequently, as allowing dirt like bug splatter, dust, and mud to sit on your bike for too long can cause corrosion and damage its finish.

We hope this guide helps you protect your brand-new motorcycle and keep it shining and performing like new for years. If you need more advice or are still in the market for a bike, visit Biggs Harley-Davidson® in San Marcos, CA. We proudly serve those from San Diego and Oceanside, so stop by today.