It's not a fun topic to think about, but there is the chance that someone could steal your motorcycle. Unfortunately, motorcycles make a great target for thieves. These vehicles are portable and valuable - two appealing features for a potential theft. Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to prevent motorcycle theft.

We've created the following guide for preventing motorcycle theft. Use the below tactics to reduce the odds and keep your bike secure. If you have any questions or want to shop motorcycles for sale, visit Biggs Harley-Davidson. Our dealership is located in San Marcos, California, and we also serve those in San Diego and Oceanside.

Understand Crime Prevention Strategy

With preventing motorcycle theft, the key is making your bike difficult to steal. Potential thieves want items that they can quickly take without attracting attention. The more time they have to spend fiddling with locks, the greater chance they have of getting caught. 

By making it clear that your motorcycle is not an easy target, you drastically reduce the chances that someone will attempt to steal it. If someone still makes an attempt to steal, they will have a much harder time succeeding. 

Know The Risks Of Your Living Situation

Different living situations will bring about different motorcycle theft risks.

Apartment complexes typically have higher rates of motorcycle thefts. Part of this is a sheer numbers game. More residents means more vehicles, which means potential thieves have a better chance of success when they visit. Part of this is also due to the constant activity found at apartment complexes. Residents are going in and out all day long. A thief can more easily blend in without drawing attention.

Residential neighborhoods are at risk for an entirely different reason. Thefts tend to happen less often, which means folks tend to be less on their guard. There could be easy targets waiting in a neighborhood, which provides a different reason for thieves to target them.

Park Your Motorcycle Strategically

If you live in an apartment complex, park your motorcycle within a clear view of security cameras. Then, chain it to something sturdy.

If you live in a residential neighborhood, park your bike somewhere out of sight. A garage or shed is ideal, but a fenced backyard is a good plan B.

When you park in town, park somewhere where your bike is highly visible. Pick somewhere that is well-lit and frequented by pedestrian or vehicle traffic. You may even be able to position your motorcycle in front of nearby business' cameras.

Take Advantage Of Physical Security Options

There are many physical security options that can help prevent motorcycle theft.

For example:

  • Steering locks. These secure the steering column so that the bike cannot be moved.
  • Disc locks. These connect to the disc brakes, preventing the wheels from spinning.
  • Saddlebag locks. These prevent theft of valuables inside your storage.
  • Chains. Always attach to a non-removable part of your motorcycle.
  • Chain, lock, and ground anchor. These secure your motorcycle to the ground or wall, keeping it firmly in place.

Use Electronic Security Options

Use technology in your favor to help prevent motorcycle theft.

For example, alarms help alert people nearby to a theft-in-action. The sound alone can be enough to deter the thief - and can bring people in to intervene if not.

Tracking systems won't stop someone from stealing your motorcycle, but it can be a valuable asset for recovering your stolen motorcycle. It will provide real-time information about your bike's location, which local law enforcement can use to go retrieve it.

We hope you found this guide to preventing motorcycle theft helpful. For more advice or to shop motorcycles for sale, reach out to the experts at Biggs Harley-Davidson. We can answer questions, suggest models, discuss financing options, and assist with whatever you need. Our dealership is based in San Marcos, California. We also proudly serve those in San Diego and Oceanside, California.