Maintenance is a critical aspect of motorcycle ownership, and you want to take care of your bike proactively and regularly. If you plan to tune up your motorcycle at home, here’s something you’ll want to familiarize yourself with first.

Various motorcycle maintenance tasks, such as oil changes and tire replacement, will require you to lift your bike. If you don’t do this properly, it can cause your motorcycle to become unstable and fall. You’ll also suffer a sore back from stretching yourself too much. But don’t worry—we can help!

The Basics

There are several instances when you’ll require lifting your motorcycle. They include:

  • When replacing damaged tires.
  • When mounting and balancing tires.
  • When replacing wheel bearings and seals.

Types of Lifts

Motorcycle lifts can be jacks, stands, or hoists.

Jacks are simple devices with a lever or hydraulic lift to help raise a motorcycle off the ground. On the other hand, stands can support the bike once lifted off the ground. A hoist is an advanced and expensive device that can elevate your motorcycle off the ground and move it around your garage.

When shopping for a motorcycle lift, consider the weight of your motorcycle and the place where you hope to keep your bike. You’ll also want to focus on the type of maintenance you plan to do and the available space in your garage. This will help you pick the best lift for your needs.

Lifting Your Motorcycle with a Jack

A jack lift is ideal for performing minor repairs on a small motorcycle. You can select between a scissor jack and a hydraulic jack—it’s your choice.

When using a jack to lift your motorcycle, place it in the center of your bike, then start pumping the jack until it has lifted the bike off the ground.

Lifting Your Motorcycle with a Stand

Stands are ideal for longer-term storage and performing significant repairs. These are available as paddocks and center-stand models. A paddock uses wheels to help lift the rear of a bike, while a center stand lifts both wheels from the ground and keeps them secure. This is an excellent alternative to a jack.

Lifting Your Motorcycle with a Hoist

You’ll want to use a hoist when repairing a heavy-duty motorcycle or servicing more than one bike at a time. A hoist allows you to lift your bike and move it around your garage. This way, you can work on multiple motorcycles and accomplish more work in less time.

We hope you can use this guide to lift your motorcycle when performing regular maintenance. If you have more questions or want to upgrade your bike to the latest model, visit Biggs Harley-Davidson®. We are in San Marcos, CA, and proud to serve our patrons from San Diego and Oceanside.